|  Healing   |  Your Gift

Your Gift

When you allow yourself to be vulnerable in the eyes of God, the clarity is unreal. It was my grandmother an incredibly wise soul who told me that the dreams I was having since I was a child were special.  They were my ability to know, and my guidance from within. I can still hear her voice as she said, “You have the gift.”

My intuitive compass has served me well throughout the years, but there were many times that I ignored the guidance. It usually did not work out well when I did. My gift as a dreamer is one that many people possess but have not acknowledged. It was not until I learned to still my mind and block out the noises and distractions that I recognized the power that lies within. My dreams prepare me for tough times and provide me with clarity. It had others asking the question of how did you know that? This was when I recognized it as the “gift” my wise Grandmother spoke of almost four decades ago.  

I know now that this gift is my subconscious mind providing a road map that I can see while I sleep, and they manifest into my reality in the daylight. I can see the things, and people, that would cross my path as if it is a preparation for the day. I started being obedient to my gift and sharing my dreams with others especially when they were the main character. It did not matter much if they thought I was “strange” it was important to me that if there was a message for them, it was delivered. Often, I found that the message was well received, and that person would acknowledge that they understood what it meant for them and expressed extreme gratitude. There are a few close friends that will reach out and we discuss our dreams. I delight in these conversations as they allow me to express my unique abilities without reservations.

What is your gift? Have you been able to recognize the power that lies within you? I was fortunate to have mine explained to me as young as 10 years old but was not able to recognize the profound impact until I was an adult. As I got older my spiritual awakening and understanding of my inner strength allowed me to embrace this gift and share with others. I am grateful for such a gift because it has guided me throughout some interesting times and has led me to an enriched and purposeful life.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt


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