Mind Spa Transformation.

Hypnosis, Meditation, & Life Coaching Services

Are you feeling stuck and confused?
Are you ready to stop surviving and start living?
Do you fear changes?
Do you know you have more to offer but don't know where to start? With Rapid Transformational Therapy(RTT) with includes Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) you can find the root of your challenges, interrupt old patterns, and shift your beliefs using the power of your subconscious mind.
In 1-3 sessions you can unlock the root of old issues and be on your way to creating NEW core beliefs and a more aligned life. You will gain clarity, and confidence, to start taking immediate inspired actions to lead the life you desire.
With my guidance you will find the root cause of what is holding you back, so you Get Better Sleep, Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, and heal old traumas. You will perform better in life by awakening your creativity and inner guidance, release fears, increase focus, and gain overall success. To maintain a mind, body, spirit, and energy alignment you can learn mantra meditation to help you journey from the activity of your busy life to silence.
Click below for your FREE meditation

Helps you with self awareness, provide guidance, and Inspiration. You will align your passion to purpose.

Rapid Transformational Therapy reveals the root issue and help heals old emotional wounds working with the power of your subconscious mind. You can change the meaning you attached to past events so you can be liberated.

Everything in creation the entire Universe is Sound or Vibration. Learn how to meditate using your personal primordial sound mantra the unique sound that the Universe made at the time of your birth.

Stacey Henry-Carr

Certified Life Coach and Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner(RTT)

I love working with clients ready for a breakthrough and transformational change. I help you identify your root cause and create a blueprint. First, this is done with the power of your subconscious mind and then creates new habits. I am passionate about your healing because I once needed healing. I have overcome my life challenges that have strengthened my will to serve others. I found the root of my issues with self-love through RTT. When I work with my clients, I am confident that the process works because it worked for me. My best days are when I see my client's progress and success. I am excited to help you reach your breakthrough and gain the success you deserve.

Stacey Henry-Carr

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Place your energy toward what you desire, and watch it grow,

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