Inner Child Healing through the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

Years ago, if you had asked me about my subconscious mind, I would have been completely clueless. Mentioning my inner child would have caused a look of wide-eyed confusion. This lack of understanding mirrored that of many others whose daily lives didn’t necessitate discussions about their subconscious mind or inner child. However, as I immersed myself in the practices of hypnotherapy and life coaching, delving into the profound transformations achievable through the power of the subconscious mind it became my fervent passion.

Since 2020, I’ve had the privilege of working with numerous clients seeking answers about their lives. Some felt trapped in unhealthy patterns, lacked purpose, or were desperately trying to break free from self-defeating habits. With each client, a deeper understanding unfolded. While each individual’s situation was unique, a common thread emerged. There childhood issues  had created a belief system compelling them to act without conscious understanding

During childhood, our well-being relied on adults to nurture and protect us. Each of us had different experiences, some receiving the necessary support for healthy growth, while others lacked love and safety. Irrespective of our past environments, we now have the opportunity to provide ourselves with the love and support we need, making transformation through hypnosis an invaluable tool.

Understanding Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a state of heightened suggestibility and focused attention, allowing us to tap into the power of our subconscious mind. It proves effective for practical goals such as weight loss, quitting smoking, overcoming fears and phobias, building confidence, and healing old emotional wounds. Discovering that 95% of my thoughts were generated automatically from the subconscious mind was a transformative realization. Through working with clients, it became evident that the subconscious mind significantly influences thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, storing memories and habits that often elude conscious awareness

One approach I find particularly impactful in facilitating overall transformation is guiding clients to nurture their inner child. While the idea may seem unconventional to some, addressing the inner child allows us to change the meaning we assigned to childhood memories. By viewing them from a different perspective, we can release their negative impact on our lives. Thich Nhat Hanh stated, “The child is still there and maybe deeply wounded. We have neglected the child in us for a long time. We have to come back and comfort, love, and care for the child within us”.

Understanding Your Inner Child

Our younger selves were impressionable, absorbing beliefs about how life should be. These beliefs became our subconscious blueprint, influencing our adult lives. Events we didn’t understand as children led us to believe it was our fault. Nurturing and caring for these ideas are crucial, because the longer they are unaddressed, they carry into adulthood, often manifesting as feelings of inadequacy.

Nurturing Your Inner Child

If you find yourself trapped in negative thought patterns or habits, becoming aware of your inner child’s emotional wounds and unmet needs can be transformative. Seeking professional guidance for an inner child practice tailored to you is recommended. As a certified Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner, I guide clients through upgrading their inner child via their subconscious mind and recommend then to listen to a transformational meditative recording for 21 days to replace unproductive beliefs with liberating thoughts.

Tips for Nurturing Your Inner Child

  • Practice compassion and self-discipline; acknowledge and live harmoniously with your inner child.

  • Be kind to yourself through positive affirmations, acknowledging your worth and safety.

  • Write a loving letter to your younger self, recognizing your journey and growth.

  • Keep a picture of your younger self nearby, celebrating how far you’ve come.

Remember to nurture your inner child, affirming that you deserve balance and peace. Regardless of the past, transformation awaits, and it’s crucial to find the healing modality that resonates with you. The ultimate goal is alignment of mind, body, spirit and energy.


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